what is Telegram and why should we use it
We have a lot of different messaging services, which we can use on our mobile or desktop platform, for example:
.NET Developer
We have a lot of different messaging services, which we can use on our mobile or desktop platform, for example:
Find the client online and work from home – looks like a very attractive idea.
I developed library for my project. Then I thought: why don’t publish it?
It is possible to host static webite for free.
There are two hosting models for Blazor:
Real questions, asked on interview:
Recruting process has changed: now almost all hiring and recruiting companies require candidate to make online task excercise.
What is esim?
ASP.NET Core 3 is still preview.
When you host your domain as GitHub page, GitHub doesn’t give you option to host your domain email.
GitHub allows your use your own domain name for GitHub page and it’s very easy to do.
Now it’s popular to use static site generators, see for example Scott Hanselman’s article: Exploring Wyam - a .NET Static Site Content Generator:
Okay, now I have blog using GitHub pages.